
BALS & VOGEL no. 1 in the Ruhr area

According to the patent attorney index* the patent law firm Bals & Vogel has become Number 1 in the Ruhr area evaluated by the quantity of released German Patent Applications, which are represented before the GPTO (German Patent and Trademark Office).

In entire North Rhine-Westphalia the patent law firm Bals & Vogel is ranked under the top 10 patent law firms referring to the patent attorney index*.

“This achievement could only be accomplished with our interdisciplinary team, which advises and supports our clients in the field of intellectual property rights, which is becoming increasingly complex”, says Patent Attorney R. Bals from Bochum, one of the founders of the patent law firm.

*determined by a frequent data acquisition perform by the VARIDIAN GmbH, Theaterstr. 106, 52062 Aachen

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