
European Patent Office (EPO) publishes first 600 Unitary Patents

The unitary patent system has been in force since 1 June, 2023. Accordingly, data on European patents for which unitary effect has been requested after the introduction of the unitary patent system are listed in the European Patent Register for the first time. The first 600 unitary patents are currently published by the European Patent Office.

The recent entry into force of the unitary patent system, which currently involves 17 EU states, is another major milestone in European patent history since the signing of the European Patent Convention (EPC) on 5 October, 1973, and the opening of the European Patent Office in Munich on 2 November, 1977. The unitary patent system is expected to bring several benefits to users, such as reduced costs, more efficient procedures, as well as increased transparency and greater legal certainty, for example, regarding the effect of the IP right.

Since 1 June, 2023, it is also be possible to file cases based on unitary patents in a centralized manner at the newly opened Unified Patent Court (UPC).

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