The DPMA warns against misleading payment requests
In a recent press release dated July 13, 2022, the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) warns against misleading offers, requests for payment and invoices from private companies. The offer of these companies sometimes includes a paid publication or entry of property rights in commercial registers. The extension of property rights at the DPMA is also offered, whereby this is charged as a service in addition to the official fees.
The offer character of the letters is often not recognizable at first glance and often only emerges on closer reading of a text in small print or the general terms and conditions, some of which are printed on the back.
The following company names, among others, were used as part of this fraudulent procedure:
EUTD - European Trademarks & Domains,
IOIP – International Organisation Intellectual Property Registration International Mark,
IPOS - Intellectual Property Organisation Service,
IPS – Intellectual Property Services,
IPTR - International Patent and Trademark Register,
PMR-Service GmbH - Patent- und Markenregister,
TMP Register - Trademark Publication,
WPAT- World Patents and Trademarks and
WPT - World Patent and Trademark Register ltd.
The DPMA expressly points out that these companies are not connected to the DPMA.
Further information can be found on the DPMA website: