
New certificate program “European Patent Litigation Certificate” (EPLC)

The Unified Patent Court (UPC) commenced its activities on June 1, 2023. The European institution with two instances settles disputes relating to the European patent, including the Unitary Patent. According to the underlying Agreement on a Unified Patent Court, patent attorneys - with the appropriate qualifications - are authorized to represent clients alone, without the involvement of attorneys-at-law. The qualification can be proven by a special certificate (European Patent Litigation Certificate).

In cooperation with the Chamber of Patent Attorneys, the Faculty of Law at the FernUniversität has developed a certificate course for this purpose, which has now been accredited by the UPC. The Kurt Haertel Institute, which is part of the Faculty of Law at the FernUniversität, is responsible for the course and is making intensive preparations for the start of the course.

When will it start?

The “first edition” will take place from August 2024 to April 2025.

How does the course work?

The study plan (see below) provides for two semesters in which the 120 hours of course material will be taught in a mix of asynchronous courses, online lectures and only three attendance phases in Munich. The course content is largely offered in German and coordinated via a learning platform.

How does the final examination take place?

The final examination consists of a four-hour written exam and an oral exam, which will be conducted as a group examination (20 minutes per candidate) in presence or online. The examination is held exclusively in German.

What does participation cost?

The participation fee for graduates of the “Law for Patent Attorneys” course is 3,500 euros, otherwise 3,800 euros.

Who will provide support?

The academic team of the Kurt Haertel Institute (contact: Mr. WissMit RA Niklas Rademacher; e-mail: is responsible for supervision.

How does enrollment work?

Enrollment at the FernUniversität takes place via the Chamber of Patent Attorneys. Registration is possible from April 15 at the Chamber of Patent Attorneys by e-mail:

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